Monday, July 30, 2012

Sooooo....we ran out of monkeys?

Oh, Japan.  Land of the Rising Sun, home to Giant Squids, creator of the Calamari Wrestler and Executive Koala.

Now they're sending fish into space.  We could bore you with the details as to the whys, but let's just stop a moment and repeat that: they're sending fish into space.

Because the ocean is apparently way too crowded these days, you know with all the drilling and trawl-killing of habitats.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Micro-chipping your Whale Shark

  1. Find a whale shark
  2. Make sure it's not looking
  3. Stick it with a receiver wand
  4. High-five your lab partner without breaking any major bones

This was only made possible by the fact that these whale sharks were being distracted by the buffet of trapped silverfish near Indonesia. 

We assume the purpose of this is to track migration routes, feeding habits, but more importantly mating rituals.  Scientists are such closet voyeurs.