The high from George being granted a reprieve was short-lived. Today we are faced with the news that Iceland is mulling over a decision to resume whaling. Yup. You read that right. After nearly two decades of respecting the incredible ocean dwelling mammals the local government is all for starting up the slaughter machine.
What would be the purpose of such a barbaric practice? Well, you could always ask Japan which uses the IWC as a shield in its aggressive whaling expeditions. An antiquated law stating you can hunt whales for scientific purposes is a weak reason for killing. And almost all whales that are caught in Japan end up in the fish market. So then...what is the scientific purpose behind whale fin soup? Of course, diverting your attention to whale-killing is a good way to distract you from noticing Japan's egregious overfishing practices.
What to do about it? Get involved. There is no shortage of organizations that are supremely passionate about ocean-dwelling inhabitants. Sea Shepherd is but one of them. A significant difference between organizations like Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace is the Sea is like the PETA of the oceans. It works to directly confront and disable commercial fleets that hunt and cripple ocean populations. We're not for violence, but we are for action.
So we're going to start the new year by guilting. Please consider an action to help the earth get the justice it deserves. We're not asking for a pound of flesh, the fish have already done that for you, we're just asking for compassion. Think of it this way, we get angry at aliens for abducting us and poking at us with rods...why are we ok with doing it to our own earth?